Ryukyu karate is a martial art that originated in Okinawa, which was created by fusing matrtial arts of China and all parts of Japan, combining the traditional Ryukyu martial arts "Thi(手)". From the teachers of Uechi style, you will learn the basic form and prearranged kumite that train your body, also learn the spirits of Ryukyu karate.
Time | 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm |
Availability | All year |
Price | ¥4,000/person(excludes tax and 10% service charge) |
Capacity | Up to 8 people |
Location | Activity Studio |
Reservation | Until 3 days before |
To view deals for 90-day advance booking and 6-night stays, visit the reservation website.
To view deals for 90-days advance booking and 6-night stays, visit the reservation website.
To view deals for 90-day advance booking and 6-night stays, visit the reservation website.
To view deals for 90-day advance booking and 6-nights stay, visit the reservation website.
To view deals for 120-day advance booking and 6-nights stay, visit the reservation website.
To view deals for 120-day advance booking and 6-night stays, visit the reservation website.
To view deals for 90-day advance booking and Extended Stay 4 nights, visit the reservation website.
To view deals for 90-day advance booking, visit the reservation website.